Game Combat Animation (Unreal Engine) WIP
A work in progress game animation. This was a part of iAnimate’s game workshop with Brett Pascal. This was taken into Unreal Engine for the final render and effects pass.
Advanced Pantomime Acting
SCAD assignment for Cartoony Animation. Pick a two poses and animate the transition between the two. Scene was rendered with Vray, animated with Maya, composited in After Effects, and 3D modeled with Blender. The rig used is the Malcom 2.0 rig.
Animation Breakdown
This was my final assignment for SCAD’s cartoony animation course. It’s a breakdown of the shot progression. (Top to bottom, left to right): Reference video, Blocking, Tween, Render. Audio from Parks and Rec. Rendered in Vray. Animated in Maya using the Malcom 2.0 rig.
Motion Capture and Unreal Engine
Bellwether – Episode 2 Trailer – A SCAD Student Partial Open Source Series This project was in fulfillment of the SCAD animation graduate program as my final thesis. If you’d like to learn more about the project or read the published thesis, the link can be found below. Here is the abstract for the thesis and the purpose of it …